Wijkcentrum Wijchen Zuid

Op deze website vind je informatie over de wijkvereniging en het wijkcentrum Wijchen Zuid.

We hopen om je zo meer inzicht te geven wat er allemaal te doen is in het wijkcentrum.

Wil je meer zien loop dan gewoon een keer binnen, kijk wat rond en bestel een kopje koffie, thee of een drankje aan de bar.

De beheerder en onze vrijwilligers kunnen je ook meer vertellen over ons wijkcentrum.

What is expected from our volunteers

As a volunteer, you will be assigned to be a friend of a senior. You will need to make a connection with them by listening, being loyal, and just by being there, as a Telefriend.

Three easy steps to become a telefriend

Register for telefriend

Start your journey with BE-GOOD by filling the registration form and continue with the registration steps.

Get a buddy senior

After you will finish all the admissions steps, we will find for you the perfect elderly person

Call and chat

Make your first call, and meet a friend for a lifetime. Telefriend will be the best decision you ever made.

Caring for the happiness of others, we find our own


Make a difference the lives of elderly people by becoming a telefriend volunteer

Please fill in the registration form and we will contact you shortly with all the information you need